In 2014, Autogrill Group launched Academy, an international training project focusing on the development of employee competencies through the provision of ad hoc training courses based on the employee’s professional level, thus contributing to creating an organizational culture based on common competencies, shared knowledge and tools and the dissemination and sharing of best practices.

Here at Autogrill we put great emphasis on our employees considering it as an investment that generates a twofold value, for the people and for the organization.

Our training activities in Italy

In 2015 our training activities in Italy involved a mix of traditional in-class training courses and online catalog training courses that can be used remotely, which involved gaming sessions between all employees in the European operations.


hours of training



avg hour per person



people involved




The need of learning and developing competences is becoming crucial for companies like ours that is seeking for efficiency and expertise from every co-worker of the Group.

A parallel aim was to encourage the cooperation among colleagues coming from 9 different European countries; training sessions is also an occasions to meet up and get to know each other.

Academy operations

Academy operations

Academy operations for network combines managerial skills and on-the-job experience. This includes various paths developed for the different roles present in the stores, either online courses or in-class courses.

At Autogrill, our training mission is to invest greatly in the talent and development of our people, and this continues to evolve to meet the needs of our people.